Saturday, April 30, 2011

Prayer Chain: North Korea - Day 7

Day 7: North Koreans Will Declare God's Glory to the Nations

I will set a sign among them and will send survivors from them to the nations…to the distant coastlands that have neither heard My fame nor seen My glory. And they will declare My glory among the nations. Isaiah 66:19
Open Doors supports North Korean Christians in secret with Bibles, books, education and relief aid. Often we receive thank you letters from North Korean underground church leaders. In each letter they thank the global Church for the support provided through Open Doors and for their love, and they ask for our prayers. In the words of one church leader, "I am very proud to see our believers' faithful lives becoming more and more stabilized. Their lives are in danger every day and still they follow the Lord. This could have not been possible if it wasn't for your endless effort and love towards our believers. Please continue to pray for us.".
North Korean Christians note that even in these dark times, the Kingdom of God is expanding in North Korea. One wrote, "Thank you so much for your dedication and devoted hearts towards our believers. If I look back, I realize how gracious God is for His grace and protection. We couldn't have come this far without the help of our foreign brothers and sisters. Every book that we received has been used effectively. They strengthen the believers and help us in accomplishing God's work. Your books are like fellow travelers on a very lonely road."
In time all will bow down before the one God, the Father of Jesus Christ." This is the source and secret of world peace. "For this is what the LORD says, 'I will extend peace to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees. As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem.'" (Isaiah 66:12-13) God will continue what he already has begun in North Korea and in His time will use Christians from North Korea to declare His glory among nations!
READ ISAIAH 66:19-20
God is growing and purifying His church among the nations. He is using Open Doors to pray for, encourage and train His church in North Korea. And we in the "free world" are inspired by the faith and courage of His people in North Korea who stand in faithfulness in the midst of severe persecution. God indeed is preparing His church to "declare [His] glory among the nations."
Father, thank You that You have called us into Your church along with Christians across the globe. One church, one faith, one God and Father of us all. We praise You for the way You are using Open Doors to encourage and train Your people, our brothers and sisters, in North Korea. Thank you for the encouragement we receive from them as they stand strong and faithful in the midst of their present persecution. Use their example in our lives here in the west as we face our own moments of darkness in this broken and sinful world. Move in our hearts and minds to call us to join with Open Doors in faithfully praying for North Korea, that You would soften the hearts of the leaders to embrace Your gospel; that those who are blinded by the deception of the archenemy, Satan, would hear Your Word and turn to You; and that Your church there would be filled with the light of Your presence and grace each day to face the darkness around them. And move in our hearts, along with Open Doors, to generously supply Bibles and other materials for the strengthening of Your people that they might know you both in Spirit and in truth.

Prayer Chain: North Korea - Day 6

Day 6: God Will Act on Behalf of His Servants and Restore Fruitfulness of Life in North Korea

"For they will be a people blessed by the Lord." Isaiah 65:23
When Japan was defeated in 1945 during World War II, Korea was divided into North (under Soviet Union rule) and a South (under US rule). After the North established the Democratic People's Republic (DPRK) in 1948 severe persecution began in this communist country. Before the North invaded South Korea and started the Korean War (1950-1953) already two-thirds of the Christians had fled to the South.
The DPRK leader Kim Il Sung understood the power of worship and set himself up to be the only one to be worshipped. Statues of him were erected everywhere and people were required to bow down before them; those who did not honor him were labelled as an enemy of the state and persecuted. Kim Il Sung created a monolithic belief system called Juche. This belief system twists the Holy Trinity of Christianity by teaching that Kim Il Sung is god, his son Kim Jong Il is the Christ figure, and the ideology of Juche replaces the Holy Spirit. Kim Jong Il refers to Juche as "Kimilsungism."
All North Koreans are indoctrinated with this belief system from cradle to grave. Their entire education includes this teaching and as adults they are required to attend mandatory adult education centers in their work places or in their towns. All successes of the country are considered to be due to Kim Il Sung and he is referred to as "Dear leader." Nowadays his son Kim Jung Il still sees Christianity as the most dangerous threat to his regime.
Several defectors shared what it was like to be indoctrinated in the Juche ideology.
"I never thought that Juche or Kimilsungism was closed or oppressive ideology, but I simply believed it as truth.… I also thought Kim IL Sung is the greatest man. During all my life, I was brainwashed, believing that Kim IL Sung was the only reason I was happy. I learned to say, 'Thank you, father Kim IL Sung,' even when I was a baby. Therefore it is impossible to think of anything else but Kimilsungism.
"There are Kim IL Sung Revolutionary Thought Study Institutes and Revolutionary History Institutes in even the smallest unit of administration or organization. Everybody is forced to attend there once a week at the assigned time. Hanging portraits of Kim's family are compulsory for every household…People bring flowers and clean up around the public statues and portraits of Kim Il Sung."
READ ISAIAH 65:1-9 and 65:17-23
God has His servants in North Korea, those who have not bowed down to any other god and follow the Lord, even if in secret. He has permitted Himself to be found by a people who did not seek Him (Isaiah 65:1-2). He has made salvation guaranteed on the cross. The mercy and grace of salvation made available to everyone!
Father God, when will the promise in Isaiah 65:17-25 be fulfilled completely? Will it be upon the return of Your Son Jesus Christ when all earthly kingdoms will be destroyed and only Your Kingdom remains? Father, we know that we are to wait for Your perfect time but our hearts break for those in North Korea who are blinded by the lies. Father, remove the scales from their eyes so that they can see Your glory. And today, as we pray for a revival in North Korea, we are also on our knees repenting of our sins. As we pray through Isaiah 65:23 draw us closer to You than ever before so that we too "will be a people blessed by the Lord." Amen

Prayer Chain: North Korea - Day 5

Day 5: God is Leading His People in North Korea to Make for Himself a Glorious Name

…So He became their Savior. In all their affection He was afflicted, and the angel of His presence saved them; in His love and in His mercy He redeemed them, and He lifted them up and carried them all the days of old. Isaiah 63:8-9b
North Korea is often described as one huge prison. North Koreans can be imprisoned for virtually any state-defined crime, such as being a Christian, making a negative comment about the regime, traveling to China to look for food, failing to have a picture of Kim Il-Sung in their house or even failure to keep it clean enough. Punishment is not limited to the offender, but also three generations of the offender's family. What compounds these situations for citizens are the severe violations of human rights that occur throughout the North Korean penal system, including systematic use of torture, forced abortions, public and private executions, use of humans for chemical and biological testing and extreme starvation.
There are roughly two types of labor camps. One type is for re-education purposes, the other for political prisoners (who are considered hopeless). It is estimated that there 200,000 prisoners being held in just five of the 12 prison camps of North Korea. The number of additional prisoners in other known prisons and in "secret" prisons, some of which are said to be completely underground, is unknown. In addition, North Korea's State Security Agency maintains about 30 labor education and forced labor camps. At least two of these camps are larger in area than the District of Columbia. The numbers of how many people die or are released each year from labor camps is not published. No one knows the exact number, but in the last three decades it is estimated that at least 500,000 people are believed to have perished in North Korea's huge network of jails, prison camps and underground secret construction projects.
According to Open Doors' Christian sources we estimate the number of imprisoned Christians between 50 and 70 thousand. Most are imprisoned because of their faith in Christ, some for other reasons. Christians are considered political prisoners. Under normal circumstances, they will never be released.
READ ISAIAH 63:11-14
God has visited His people in North Korea even during their oppression and extreme suffering and humiliation. But now the time has come for Christians around the world to lift up our voices in believing, confident prayer for God to intervene sovereignly and bring a mighty work of deliverance and restoration of His people in that land! As you read this PRAY!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Prayer Chain: North Korea - Day 4

Day 4: The Lord Will Make North Korea a Praise in the Earth

The Lord has made proclamation to the ends of the earth; "Say to the Daughter of Zion, 'See, your Savior comes'! See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.'" They will be called the Holy People the Redeemed of the Lord; and you will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted. Isaiah 62:11-12
North Korea is the most dangerous country in the world to be a Christian. Believers risk imprisonment and death just to own a Bible. And yet the Word of God continues to go out and to bring true freedom, especially in the cities near the Chinese border. Every year North Koreans risk their lives to cross over the border into China. Once they have crossed, the danger continues, but there are also opportunities to hear the Good News of Christ when they fall under the care of Christian safe houses. As they receive Christ and are discipled, many refugees return to North Korea at great personal risk to bring the Gospel message to their fellow citizens at home.
For Christians in North Korea life is especially fragile. Many would feel forsaken were it not for the hope of Christ. Many wonder, "How long, Lord, must we suffer?" But as one Christian wrote, "There is no way that we can stop ourselves from falling from the cliff of despair if we only look at the reality. Jesus saves us from it. We try to be positive, always, whatever situation we face. We will keep marching toward the eternal heaven, where Jesus has prepared a place for us."
Just as God beautified Pyongyang and other cities and villages of North Korea in the early 1900's, so He will do it again. He will give His people new names. No longer will they be called "forsaken," but their name will be Hephzibah, "My delight is in her." No longer will their land be "desolate," but rather Beulah, "Married to the Lord!" And God will rejoice over them!
Read aloud Isaiah chapter 62 and pray for North Korea by using Scripture as your prayer.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Prayer Chain: North Korea - Day 3

Day 3: Pray that Children of North Korea Will be Known Among the Nations as Blessed of the Lord
Then their offspring will be known among the nations, and their descendents in the midst of peoples. All who see them will recognize them because they are the offspring whom the Lord has blessed! Isaiah 61:9
Can you imagine the sorrow of not being able to pass on your faith to your children? In North Korea this simple and natural act is dangerous for both believers and their children. Parents sometimes tell their children stories from the Bible as though they are fairy tales just so they can impart some of their faith to them. And they live out their lives as an example. But if caught overtly sharing their faith, they can be sent to prison…and their children with them. As soon as parents are arrested, their children are sent with them to the same prison camps where they then face an abysmal existence. They are forced into hard labor, and often their little bodies succumb to the physical toll. Not many children survive the prison camps, and any who do remain alive are severely traumatized.
Other children in North Korea are called kotjebis, a derogatory North Korean word for "wandering swallows." Abandoned by their parents these kotjebis mostly have only one set of clothes, and no shoes. Forced to live on the streets they struggle to survive. Timothy shares his story:
Like so many children, I was separated from my parents. My father had to flee the country in a hurry. For years, I lived on the streets. Every day, I had to manage to find food. I only slept for a few hours each night and tried to stay awake in order not to die of hunger. I survived by helping to carry luggage at stations. But after some time, I realized that I had no future in North Korea. So I wanted to flee. By then, my father was also trying to get me out of the country by means of human traffickers. While fleeing to China, I was detained by the border police. They took me back to North Korea where the guards tortured me severely. I kept praying to stay alive, because I had discovered that there was a God. After two weeks, I was sent home. Because of all the torture, I was no longer able to sit or to stand. Then my grandmother paid a woman to carry me across the river into China on her back. In the end, I gained freedom and I was reunited with my father. Whatever situation you are in, do not give up, but keep praying!
God will work in history to reverse Satan's plan for destruction of North Korea's children. God will heal and protect His "precious ones" and will use them as His ministers…His priests…His missionaries among the nations.
As you pray, imagine the children of North Korea. Many are malnourished, sick, even dying. But now imagine them as God has destined them to be, His blessed missionaries to the world. Each child is precious in His sight whose names He called before the foundation of the world. Pray for them by name! Here are just some of them: Eunkyu, Kangchul, Kinam, Sangnyo, Hyewon, Okja, Daewon, Inchul, Suji, Nanhee, Kyungsuk, Sungme, Minhee, Minshul, Bongsoo, Soran, Yosep, and Sanghwa. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Prayer Chain: North Korea - Day 2


Day 2: The Lord Will Glorify His Church in North Korea

And I shall glorify My glorious house. Isaiah 60:7b
In the midst of any crisis across the globe, Brother Andrew challenges us to ask the question "Is there a church?" In the midst of the current tension on the Korean peninsula, and in the wake of the announcement of heir-apparent Kim Jong-Un as the expected successor to the ailing current president, Kim Jong-Il, we ask, "Is there a church in North Korea?"
Currently, there is a church of approximately 400,000 believers in North Korea, but it is far different from the church you and I know. The church there is persecuted mercilessly with approximately 50,000 to 70,000 Christians in labor camps because of their faith. It is risky to worship with other believers and to share one's faith, even with family members. Singing and praying out loud or owning a Bible can result in death or severe punishment.
Despite virtually no freedom of religion in North Korea, the government has four "show" churches to demonstrate to tourists that there is freedom of religion in the country. There is one Catholic Church, one Orthodox Church and two Protestant churches in Pyongyang. North Koreans must receive permission to attend these churches and, according to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) report titled "Thank You, Father Kim Il Sung," the waiting list is very long.
The church in North Korea may be thought of as "desolate" because of its suffering and lack of visible strength. Our hope is that church in North Korea will once again be a place of light, beauty and glory. As we intercede for North Korea in faith we will see His beauty unfolding. His glory being revealed. His light dispersing the darkness. Yes, there is a church in North Korea…and she is faithful.
Read aloud Isaiah chapter 60 and pray for North Korea by using the Scripture as your prayer. 

Prayer Chain: North Korea

Day 1: God's Spirit Will Never Leave North Korea

As for Me, this is My covenant with them," says the Lord: "My Spirit which is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your offspring, nor from the mouth of your offspring's offspring," says the Lord, "from now and forever. Isaiah 59:21
Around 1780 a Korean man, Yi Pyok, learned about Christianity through Christian literature and, along with a friend, began living out this new faith. They gained many followers and the Christian faith grew quickly in Korea. Soon, though, a law was established that forbid Koreans from following Christ and in 1786 ancestor worship became law. Five years later, the first 400 Christians were executed for refusing to worship their ancestors. In 1793, six preachers and 300 more Christians were killed.
In the mid 1800s, missionaries from France and Scotland came to the Korean shores, and though these missionaries were executed, the church began to grow quickly. When Scottish missionary Robert Thomas was executed, his Bible fell into the hands of his executioner. The seed of the Word that fell that day bore fruit when the cousin of the executioner later helped translate the Bible into Korean.
In 1945, before the Soviet Union took over North Korea, the city of Pyongyang was known as the "Jerusalem of the East" with 13% of its population being Christian. But under the leadership of Kim Il Sung, 2,300 Christian congregations vanished. In total, 300,000 Christians were arrested and 260 church buildings were destroyed.
The meaning of history is that God is creating a people with whom He can dwell. The process of history is still being worked out in all the affairs of man. The timing of when God will restore North Korea is unknown. But the fact that He will restore His people there is certain.
READ ISAIAH 59:15b 20
God has poured out His Holy Spirit on Korea. On the surface, the fruits of God's work are not evident in North Korea today…yet His Spirit is there…He is working in silence. His power is being made perfect.
Open our eyes Lord to see You walking in blazing glory and splendor among the ashes of Your people, rekindling the healing holy fire of Your power. We join today in prayer for a mighty, overwhelming outpouring of Your Spirit all over the Korean peninsula, believing as we come to You on our knees, and petition on their behalf, that the next great revival in Korea will cover the entire nation, both North and South. Amen.