Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome to This Blog

In the name of the Lord, welcome.
This blog is about the real, true persecution of Christians around the world that is happening NOW. Though all of us hope that it will not come
down to us here in America...it more than likely will. We must be strong in our faith, and consider the endurance of the Christians around us in other countries. I have a heart for those who are suffering in far away lands, and it wrenches everything inside of me to see the suffering that takes place for Christ. I've created this blog to communicate the violence and inhumane tortures that men, women and children endure for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I will be posting recent news stories that are taking place here and now in the year 2010.
Just because this is a blog about Christian persecution, do not turn away. Read. Although it may be disturbing and unsettle our hearts, it must be read and prepared for. I will post links to websites where you can help and write letters of encouragement to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Also, just as a warning, I will also post real pictures of the real thing. Some may be graphic....but we must know the signs of the times.
God be with you as you serve Him, and may your faith never, ever waver.

In our Lord's name Alone,

"If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you."
1 Peter 4:14